How Much Does Tutoring Cost?

If your child is not meeting his or her potential academically, it may serve well to trust your instincts. Personalised learning programmes can help a child catch up and keep up with their peers. Tutoring programmes may be more cost effective than you think with the cost of a weekly small group session for your child’s entire school life costing about as much as one year of private education.

To ensure you’re getting the best value for money there are a few things you should ask before committing to a tutoring service:

  • Is the tutor a qualified teacher?
  • Does the tutoring service have positive reviews?
  • Does the teacher set clear goals for the student?
  • How will your tutor report to you, the parent?

Each year Kip McGrath delivers over 1 million, meaningful English and math tutoring sessions to students all over the world. Our students see results, not only in their school work, but in their lives.

Kate, the mother of a Kip McGrath student explained (explains) “We’ve noticed not only an improvement in our child’s academic achievements, but more importantly, an improvement in his overall confidence levels.”

Boosting self confidence, igniting a passion for learning, and working in partnership with both schools and parents are all key to a successful tutoring programme. Understanding when and why your child is falling behind are a key part of building a plan to success.

“My daughter attended Kip McGrath for help specifically with her division. It was quickly assessed to be a lack of understanding of pie graphs and fractions which she had fallen behind in Year 3.” Said Julie, the mother of a Kip McGrath student “She is now in Year 5. Through her weekly attendance at Kip McGrath and the enthusiastic attentions and commitment of Inge and Robert who run the centre she is back on track with maths and more confident. Her love of maths has returned.”

If you think your child needs some extra help, trust your intuition and book a free assessment with one of our qualified teachers. We can help your child reach their learning potential.


Published in Secondary